Why Video Matters

Video is crucial to storytelling. This way of communication can be a powerful tool on a company website, social media, blog or YouTube Channel.

Recent research shows that online users pay more attention to video content than photos or text. According to HubSpot Research, more than 54 percent of consumer would like to see video content from brands they support. They found videos to be more memorable than text or images.

Research also shows that video receives higher engagement on social media and across all online platforms.

So, if your company has not yet incorporated video to its communications and marketing digital strategy, time is now.

How to create videos

You don’t have to be a professional videographer to create compelling videos. All you need is a bit of creativity, a smartphone or iPad and a simple editing application or software.

To constantly produce compelling video content, companies should consider adding video to their overall plan and strategy.

Some great video ideas include promotional videos about the overall company services, educational videos, news-style video packages (which can be used as a public relations tool) and event videos.

It is also important to create social media videos that are formatted appropriate for various social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn and more.

In addition, creating live streaming videos on Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter or Instagram is really important. Research shows that live videos have a great influence on online users across all digital platforms.

But how do you create them? It’s really easy to shoot and edit videos. With smartphones and iPads at our fingertips, recording video has never been easier. Smartphones and iPads have high quality cameras, so it wouldn’t be difficult to record good quality video.

To edit video, there are easy-to-use applications such as iMovie, Splice, Quik, Adobe Premiere Clip and more. These editing applications are inexpensive, simple and quick.

If you need someone else to do the work for you, Viola Communications is here to help.

Our company works with the best videographers in the business to create compelling videos that are efficient and affordable. Call us for a FREE consultation.