Here at Viola Communications, we believe that a solid communications strategy can help transform companies and their brand. So, we want to help businesses achieve that goal. Whether we’re working with a small company or a big corporation, we serve as their advocate for their company’s interest, their brand and their identity.

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Our Services

Public Relations

Public Relations

Persuade internal and external audiences to care about your brand, services, position, idea or accomplishments.

  • Press releases
    • Traditional releases
    • Social media releases
  • Story Pitching
  • News Media Outreach
  • Message Strategy
  • Byline Articles/Editorials
  • Crisis Communications
  • Speech Writing
  • Measure Success

Why it matters:

  • Raise awareness
  • Build trust, credibility and confidence
  • Promote an understanding of a brand and its stakeholders
  • Encourage and promotes behaviors, attitudes and perceptions
  • Create and strengthen relationships
  • Attract new business
  • Improve Search Engine Optimization
  • Create leads and opportunities

Media Relations

Develop close relationships with news reporters from TV, print and online media to gain positive news coverage.

  • Develop relationships with news reporters
    • In-person, social media, other
  • Connect with appropriate editors and journalists
  • Communicate appropriate message, story or information
  • Generate regular coverage on all outlets and platforms

Why it matters:

  • Generates third-party endorsements
  • Cost-efficient
  • More effective than paid advertising

Media Consulting

Train and coach CEOs, leaders, business owners and entrepreneurs to become more effective communicators.

  • Provide one-on-one or group training classes
    • Message
    • Interviews
    • Appearance
    • Strategy
    • Public speaking
    • Story-telling
  • Online training (social media and other platforms)

Why it matters:

  • Position your brand
  • Become an expert

Digital Marketing (Social Media Marketing)

Develop long-lasting relationships with social media users, increase two-way communications and boost traffic across online platforms.

  • Develop Content, Message and Strategy
  • Execute Content
  • Advertising
  • Analytics

Why it matters:

  • Make connections
  • Increase engagement
  • Increase traffic
  • Gain traction
  • Create awareness
  • Promote services
  • ROI

Content Writing

Strategically tell stories through journalism-style writing for business blogs and newsrooms.

  • Storytelling
    • Content
    • Visuals
    • Video

Why it matters:

  • Create awareness about your brand
  • Keep audiences engaged
  • Increase traffic and traction on social media


Develop engaging videos appropriate for multimedia platforms.

  • News-style videos
  • Social media videos
  • Promotional videos

Why it matters:

  • Connect and engage audiences more effectively on websites, YouTube, social media and
  • Blogging


  • Content writing
  • Designing
  • Managing
  • Measuring

Why it matters:

  • Helps build relationships with target audiences
  • Increases brand awareness
  • Keeps audiences up-to-date about a company, product or service
  • Positions a company as an expert

Strategic Communications

  • Frames message/method of outreach, internally and externally
  • Builds company priorities
  • Creates awareness
  • Creates consistency
  • Displays professionalism

Why it matters:

  • To build and develop a long-term strategy to integrate all areas of an organization to achieve goals more effectively.

Case Studies

  • In-depth study about a company, group or situation
  • Discover problems and present point of discussion

Why it matters:

  • Case studies help discover issues or complexities and how those problems help influence decisions.

Some of Our Clients

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