The Importance of Public Relations

To many, public relations, also known as PR, can be confusing. Businesses also often struggle to understand its value.

But what is PR and why is it important? In this article, we’ll define PR and explain why it’s a must for any business (big and small).

What is PR?

PR persuades and influences audiences through unpaid or earned multimedia platforms.

According to Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), public relations influences, engages and builds relationships with stakeholders to shape and frame the public’s perception of organizations.

PR areas include media relations, executive communications, strategic communications, social media, community relations, special events, crisis management, market research, public speaking, media consulting and training, internal communications and publicity.

What does a PR professional do?

An article from Forbes includes a perfect description from Princeton Review.

“A public relations specialist is an image shaper,’” the Forbes article writes. “Their job is to generate positive publicity for their client and enhance their reputation. They keep the public informed about the activity of government agencies, explain policy and manage political campaigns.”

All in all, PR practitioners tell your story and communicate it internally (to company leadership, managers and employees) and externally (to news media, business partners, customers and prospects).

PR practitioners communicate through press releases, news-style features, videos and photos using various platforms including social media, blogs, websites, email and print.

They help manage your company social media, news blogs, newsletters, company letters and announcements. They also help prevent, contain and manage a company crisis.

Why is PR important?

PR is essential to businesses. PR helps companies, institutions and individuals build long-lasting relationships with their target audience – internally and externally.

In addition, PR trains professionals including business leaders, company executives, employees and entrepreneurs to be efficient, consistent and strategic – to best represent their company and their brand.

PR also helps your company stay on message and on brand. A PR professionals’ guidance always takes you in the right direction.

If you or your company, needs PR help or advice. Viola Communications can help. Contact us for a FREE consultation here.